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Why python is the best language

What wondrous language is this, that doth adorn

The best of skills, a language of renown?

Python, 'tis said, from ever-growing scorn

Comes forth to top the charts of programming's crown.

Its syntax is simple, yet so powerful too,

To make a coder smile, and make the code anew.

Its object-oriented features are a dream

For those who wish to craft code like a stream.

It hath libraries galore: from web to machine,

Data science and AI, and more to be seen.

Its syntax is concise, so more can be done

In fewer lines, and less time than anyone.

Python is the language of the future, there can be no doubt,

For those who wish to learn, there is no time to dally about.

Its value grows with each passing day,

It's the number one language, and here to stay.