OOP Projects
The War Card game, simply said, is a game with its objective being for the players to win all the cards. The deck is divided evenly between the players. Scroll down to view a visualization of the game.
Creating the Deck is the first step
Following by dividing the deck evenly between the players.
To start the game, each player reveals the top card of their deck.
In the case of being shown here, player Two takes player One's card.
Player One's card is added to Player Two cards.
Player Two now has more cards than Player One.
The War Begins!
When two players have the cards with equal values war starts.
The two players place the next three cards face down and then another card face-up. The owner of the higher face-up card wins the war and adds all the cards on the table to the bottom of their deck.
If the face-up cards are again equal, the battle repeats with another set of face-down/up cards. This repeats until one player's face-up card is higher than their opponent's